I switched up more than my hair lately.  The closet  has been gutted out a few times a month.  For  each item I brought home about three were donated. Swapping out some pieces that were no longer of interest or of  good use for necessary items. So yes I evaluate my closet just as I do for my clients.



Wide legged trousers have been on my personal shopping list since the Summer. After avoiding online shopping for a while, I finally gave in.  Got past admiration and ordered these squash colored pants from Asos. I knew that they would transition well through all seasons and I would get my moneys worth of wear.

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Purchasing with a purpose is so important.  If you can’t think of two- three ways to style a piece, don’t buy it. Buying just to buy is how clutter starts and the famous “I have nothing to wear”  line comes about.  The truth is you most likely have a closet full of things you don’t need which causes the gems in there to get lost and under appreciated.


If you struggle on what wardrobe staples to keep or what the next purchase should be-I can help. Check out my  Services  and book your consultation!


Look out for these pants again, because the amount of ways to style these babies are endless.

Pants: Asos

Leather vest – vivienne tam(Old) Purchased it three years ago and just wore it!