A few weeks ago I had a speaking engagement and was trying on outfits the hour prior. My daughter walks in and says “you’re wearing that shirt? I feel like you wear it a lot”
Me: yes it’s mine, I bought it to wear it. Style is not about how much you have. It’s what you do with it and how it makes you feel! Oh and You’re grounded!!!!!!!
(My daughter was referring to this top) The thing is she’s 15 with the same mentality that a lot of my clients have. There is no point in having clothing that you won’t use to maximize your wardrobe. If repeating is not your thing then cool, but most people would like to but don’t know how.The trick to getting the most use is experimenting and taking risks. We tend to wear the same pieces the same way. Each time you go to pull that piece challenge yourself to wear it differently. Even if it’s just a different top or shoes etc. This way you are building up your confidence to getting out of your comfort zone while maximizing your wardrobe! A win.
This Line By K skirt is one of those closet essentials that’s going to work all seasons and work with all body types!
I’m going to have a mini series breaking down why you have nothing to wear. The first few will be about repeating pieces and taking risks!
Leave me any questions you have on this part of it! Anybody else repeat the heck out of their clothes?
Outfit 1
Tjmaxx earrings, vintage shirt (was under $5) 7 years old
Outfit 2
H&M turtleneck , Beriqisu , Pour La Victoire boots from TJ Maxx , sock from Marshalls
Outfit 3
H&M men’s shirt , vintage coat from Bobby From Boston