With what and who you have…

A Facebook reminder this morning showed me a picture of when I used to take my own photographs. It was lit! I had fun. It wasn’t always perfect but I made the best of all 200 pics lol. I purchased the camera 2 years prior while still at a 9-5. I rolled my eyes every time I walked in, but I was strategic about how one fed the other. My PTO was used to attend New York Fashion Week and to leave early for vending gigs. My thought was “If I’m going to be here why not use what I’m getting to pour into my business?!” It made coming to work a piece of the puzzle and not the end.

Sometimes we wait for the perfect time, job, money etc before we start charging towards our goals, but it’s damaging more than anything. If you’ve always wanted to blog start now! Download WordPress on your phone and blog through there if a laptop isn’t available. Always wanted to get a diploma but have kids start going to school at night part time(I did it from 23-25)

Want to be a designer? Buy a sewing machine and some patterns. Today! Like just start! With what and who you have. 

I write this with new goals and  new fears(yes because new heights and challenges  are always uncomfortable at first) so I’m starting new things today  where and with what I have.